Invest and Embrace Your Dreams With PMS

In today’s world finance and investment are the most sought-after services in market. With our busy schedules we find it necessary to seek financial advice from experts and Portfolio management service, shortly known as PMS has emerged as a customized investment solution for investments >50 lacs.

What is PMS?

PMS Service is an investment portfolio in stocks, fixed income, debt, cash, structured products and other individual securities. This is recognized by Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI). PMS in common parlance means the selection of securities and flexibility of continuous shifting in portfolio to optimize results. PMS provides you with opportunity today to build your tomorrow. 

Objectives of PMS:

  • Stability of income.

  • Capital growth.

  • Liquidity, safety and tax incentives.

An ideal PMS investor

PMS account investor belongs to a selective segment of clients with a minimal net worth of 50 lacs. The offerings are usually the investment in asset classes like equity, fixed income, structured property, individual securities etc.


Individuals benefit immensely by taking PMS for the following reasons:

  • Investors choose to hold a group of securities rather than a single security and this offers the greater expected returns.

  • A professional advice through PMS can help investors to make an intelligent and informed choice between alternative investment opportunities without hassle. There are professional PMS investment managers are well aware of market research and studies in order to help the clients in optimizing results. Though a manager may take care of hundreds of PMS accounts but each of them may be unique. Portfolio managers have to constantly look out for changes in the tax structure and make suitable changes in the portfolio composition.

  • The flexibility of switching in portfolio increase the chances of optimizing returns.

  • After realizing the importance of PMS certain guidelines laid by SEBI for its proper conduct and functioning.

  • Whatever may be the status of the capital market in short term , over the long period capitalmarkets have given an excellent return when compared to other forms of investment. The returns from bank deposits, units, mutual funds etc. is much less than PMS.

  • The Indianstock markets are very complicated. Though there are thousands investment deals but only a few have the favorable liquidity.

  • Increased competition and greater scrutiny by investors is the key feature of PMS.

  • The rate of tax under long-term capital gains is usually lower than the rate applicable for income.

  • Diversity is the key feature of Portfolio Management Services (PMS). Portfolio diversification helps offset exposure in any single position, and help investors protect themselves against wide swings in key sectors.

Risk return analysis

All investments has some risk. The risk overtime can be represented by the variance of the returns while the return over time is capital appreciation plus payout, divided by the purchase price. The risks arise out of viability of yields and uncertainty of appreciation or depreciation in market.
